Tuesday, March 11, 2025

COURAGE – Motivational Speech (2022)

COURAGE - Motivational Speech (2022)

Everything worthwhile in life can only be obtained after at least one moment of COURAGE.

Download or Stream the speech "COURAGE (Motivational Speech)" on ANY GOOD music platform, or here: https://www.fearlessmotivation.com/2022/04/04/courage-motivational-video-fearless-motivation/

The Best Motivational Playlist on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/78Suoigk80gI9mI9z5tYl8?si=04vu4pD9So2vf0KYJQemKw

The Best Motivational Speeches Playlist on Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/playlist/motivational-speeches/pl.795646e5f69b49b98aa0a658b628b7fe

More Fearless Motivation you can listen to every day:
AppleMusic/iTunes: https://music.apple.com/artist/fearless-motivation/967081100
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1FhamVtJlNqaekPnwxQpbk
AmazonMP3: https://amzn.to/2GBGIOC
Mp3 Download: https://teamfearless.com/mp3-downloads-cds/
Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/en/artist/7556588
YouTube Music: https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCUxesMwPc38gIKN39L6nfig

Transcript Of Words: https://www.fearlessmotivation.com/2022/04/04/courage-motivational-video-fearless-motivation/

Speaker: William Hollis, for Fearless Motivation
Music composed by Shawn Barnes for Fearless Motivation
Edited by Jibin Joseph

Footage used from https://stockfootagebyfearless.com/stock-video-downloads/
and other platforms under license.

Follow Fearless Motivation for DAILY MOTIVATIONAL VIDEOS and other content:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/+TeamFearless
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fearlessmotivationofficial
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/fearlessmotivationofficial
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fearlessmotivat
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/fearlessmotivation

FEARLESS MOTIVATION Official Apparel & Merch store: https://goo.gl/Q3VnLi

License details for music and speech use: https://goo.gl/c9BL0P

Courage. Without it, you can not live a full life.

If you aren’t willing to take the RISK… you will lose the CHANCE.

If you don’t have the COURAGE to face your challenges… you will never get past your challenges and remain only a shadow of the person you could have been…

It takes COURAGE to be yourself in a world that expects you to CONFORM.
It takes COURAGE to STAND OUT in a world that expects you to FIT IN.
It takes COURAGE to go after your dreams – when most people seek security and comfort.
It takes COURAGE to get up when LIFE KNOCKS YOU DOWN.
It takes COURAGE to KEEP GOING when your life is falling apart.
It takes COURAGE to move on after your soul has been CRUSHED.
It takes COURAGE to have FAITH that everything will work out when there is NO SIGN anywhere that things will work out.

It takes COURAGE to say “I WILL KEEP GOING!” But you have to dig deep and find that courage. You MUST KEEP GOING. And things WILL GET BETTER.

#Courage #MotivationalSpeech #MotivationalVideo

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