Saturday, December 14, 2024

Ancient Chinese Secret to Staying Motivated – Wu Wei

Ancient Chinese Secret to Staying Motivated - Wu Wei

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Have you watched video after video…trying to find an answer for your issues in regards to procrastination, taking action, and how to stay motivated in life? If so, then you’ve come to the right place. You see, I was able to study for about 4 hours, every single day, for the past year and a half… effortlessly. And it’s all because of something called Wu Wei.

If you can cultivate what I like to call the Wu Wei Wind, you’ll essentially learn how to find motivation without even having to try. You’ll gain the ability to get motivated by simply going about your day.

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A Short Story About Motivation: (00:00)
How Was This Possible?: (01:37)
Using Wu Wei In Life: (02:45)
Capturing the Wu Wei Wind: (03:32)
A Bunch Of Examples: (04:02)
Summary + Sponsor + Easter Egg: (05:42)

#motivation #wuwei

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